Sentry Electronic Products, Inc
Sentry carries an extensive inventory of NPN, PNP, JFET, and Mosfet transistors. We also represent a high capacity factory that produces TO-92 transistors in both NPN and PNP. Below are the transistor series we can supply in high volume.
PNP NPN BC327-16 - 327-40 BC337-16 - 337-40 BC328-16 - 328-40 BC338-16 - 338-40 BC556A - BC556C BC546A - BC556C BC557A - BC557C BC547A - BC547C BC558A - BC558C BC548A - BC548C BC559A - BC559C BC559A - BC559C 2N3905 2N3903 2N3906 2N3904 2N4402 2N4400 2N4403 2N4401 2N5400 2N5550 2N5551 If you need further information please contact sales at Tel:978-649-8897 Fax: 978-649-8697, or email sales at:
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